Courses & Assistance Offered

This space should be used to describe the various computer assistance classes that are available to your customers. You can list group classes as well as descriptions for more pointed and private help. You may also want to list some of these services and courses in an easy to read list, including descriptions and prices where applicable.

· course 1

· course 2

· course 3

· other assistance 1

· other assistance 2



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for CSPE members, or who have a membership in a professional society (for example, ASCE, ASME, IEEE)

FE (EIT) Seminar:

The FE Seminar will assist people in passing the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam.  The one day seminar focuses on how to take the exam, strategies to improve accuracy and speed on the exam, and most likely topics on the exam. Provides resources for study and exam cost reimbursement, last minute tips, and instruction in key areas to give you the edge. 

for CSPE members, or who have a membership in a professional society (for example, ASCE, ASME, IEEE)

Civil PE Seminar:

The CSPE is partnering with professional PE exam review course instructors to present a one-day course covering both the exam itself and technical information you'll need in order to prepare properly for the official exam.